Designing a pattern of Managers Escalation of Commitments In The public Sector

Document Type : Research Article


1 PhD student, Human Resources Management, Faculty of Management, Islamic Azad University, Birjand, Iran

2 Department of Management, the faculty of literature and humanities, Islamic Azad University, Birjand unit, Birjand, Iran

3 Department of Management, School of Management and Economics , Sistan and Baluchestan University, Zahedan, Iran


Purpose: The phenomenon of unreasonable escalation of commitments and decisions, well-known in organizational behavior, is where individuals, particularly managers, persist in investing in failed actions. This study aims to design a model for managing escalation of commitment in the public sector.
Design/Methodology/Approach: We employed a qualitative research method based on a data-driven approach. The study population included managers with experience in governmental organizations in Khorasan Razavi Province. Utilizing the saturation principle and snowball sampling method, 12 participants were selected as the sample size. Data collection involved general guidance and semi-structured interviews. Data analysis was conducted using quantitative methods and MaxQDA software.
Research Findings: The study reveals that the escalation model for managers' commitment in the public sector comprises several elements: causal conditions with individual, collective, and organizational factors; a central category featuring the escalation of commitment factor; a strategy with resource absorption, time application, and non-limitation strategy components; consequences including undesirable governance and performance reduction; and context with cultural factors, social factors, and environmental factors as the observer.
Implications: The negative connotations of the issue and managers' fear of consequences lead them to avoid responding.
Practical Implications: Understanding these factors can help managers recognize and address the impacts of commitment escalation.
Innovation or Value of the Article: This research uniquely designs a model for managers' commitment in the public sector, highlighting the originality of this article.

Paper Type: Research Paper


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