A Staged Capability Maturity Model for E-Governance Based on Classification of the Evaluation Components

Document Type : Research Article (with mixed approaches)


3rd floor, Engineering Faculty, Islamic Azad University, Hakimieh, Babaee Highway, Tehran, Iran.


Purpose: The main aim is to present a comprehensive model of e-governance maturity, which includes all areas of governmental interactions with other sectors. Identifying the evaluation components of maturity model, leveling e- governance and explaining the measures under each level and component are the other objectives.
Design/Methodology/Approach: The methodology is designed based on the optimization of conventional approaches with three main stages, which includes studying e-government and e-governance maturity models, comparing existing models and extracting new subcomponents, providing a new structure for evaluating e-governance maturity, with the help of expert opinions, usage of questionnaire tools and confirmatory factor analysis to confirm the proposed model and define different levels of maturity and measures appropriate to the components of maturity.
Research Findings: Based on literature review and expert opinions, 27 sub-components were extracted, which were classified into six components, including management, strategy, technology, security, people, and evaluation and measurement. Factor analysis and questionnaire data confirmed the model structure. Four levels have been proposed for the e-governance maturity model: awareness, purposeful managed endeavor, and optimal ecosystem.
Limitations & Consequences: Accessing to the actions of governmental affairs in the development of e-governance and the impossibility of examining the feasibility of the proposed model is one of the most important limitations of the research.
Practical Consequences: The proposed maturity model is a guide for the excellence of the executive organs of the country in the implementation of e-government and its levels show the path of their growth and is the basis for coordination between different organs.
Innovation or value of the Article: Identifying the most important components and subcomponents of e-governance maturity assessment in accordance with the characteristics of the present age and presenting it in the form of an appropriate structure along with a description of measures by levels and subcomponents of the model.
Paper Type: Research Article


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