Longitudinal Study of the Causes of Administrative Corruption and its Control Methods in the Years of 1999, 2009 and 2021

Document Type : Research Article


1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Economics, Management and Administrative sciences, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran.

2 PhD Student in Public Administration, Faculty of Economics, Management and Administrative Sciences, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran.


Purpose:  The purpose of this study is to investigate the trend of changes in the most important causes of emergence and the most effective strategies for managing corruption in three different time periods (1999, 2009 and 2021) from the perspective of managers and employees of the Khorasan Razavi public sector.
Design/ methodology/ approach: The present study is applied in terms of purpose and in terms of data collection method, it is descriptive-survey and longitudinal survey.
Research Findings:  Based on the analysis of data collected in these three studies, economic factors have decreased from the first rank in 1999 to the third ranks in 2009 and 2021 and the factors related to laws and regulations in 1999 And 2009 were in the fifth (last) position, up to the first rank of the causes of corruption. Also, efficient laws and regulations as the most important strategies to control corruption, have been upgraded from second place in 1999 to first place in the last two studies and increase the salaries of government employees from first place in 1999 to third place in 2009 and to 13th place in 2021 has fallen.
Limitations & Consequences:  Conservatism in answering questions, which makes the return rate of questionnaires very low and makes the implementation process more difficult.
Practical Consequences:  Based on the results of the research, the focus is on transparency of laws and regulations, informing about how to receive services, creating more efficient mechanisms in the decision-making process of governmental organizations, reforming processes and governance structures with the approach of tightening existing controls can be considered by policymakers in order to better manage of the disease of corruption.
Innovation or value of the Article:   In the field of administrative corruption in Iran, no longitudinal study has been done and this article, by using the trend research approach, provides the possibility of identifying changes in the attitude of the target society and using it in formulating more effective policies in this field.
Paper Type: Research Paper


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