Human Resources Management Social Responsibilities Outcomes Meta-Analysis On The Employees

Document Type : Research Article (with quantitative approaches)


1 Management Group, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Public Management Group, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran

3 Public Management Group, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Allameh Tabataba'i university, Tehran, Iran


Purpose: According to the concern of modern businesses about the fact that social responsibilities do not have significant benefits for the company, The purpose of the present study was to meta-analyzethe outcomes of previous researches that had been done into the area of human resource management(HRM) social responsibilities.
Design/ Methodology/ Approach: This article aimed to conduct a metaanalysis
method. According to this approach and using checklists by searching all databases during 39 years (1980-2019), 204 studies were found in this field, which 29 stydies choiced and were analyzed using CMA2 software.
Research Findings: Of the 24 variables identified, 3 variables had effect sizes below 0.3 and weak (12%), 12 variables had effect sizes between 0.3 and 0.5 and moderate (50%), and 9 variables had effect sizes above 0.5 and strong (38%). Emotional commitment and employee retention were identified as the strongest outcomes, respectively. Limitations & Consequences: This study addresses the outcomes of human resource management social responsibilities on employees. Future researches should examine HRM social responsibilities for other stakeholders.
Practical Consequences: respectively. The output of this study that has been done for the first time in the studies field of HRM social responsibilities by meta-analysis, can help managers to identify important outcomes and predict actions.
Innovation or value of the Article: Identifying the important outcomes HRM social responsibilities on employees by meta-analysis method is the main innovation of this research, which could be considered as a pattern for other researches.


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