Guide for Authors

Having an ORCID identifier is mandatory for all authors. You can register at

Basic Rules for Editing of Articles

1. Articles should be typed in Microsoft Office Word 2003 format or higher versions with a top margin of 3, bottom 7, left 4 and right 5 cm, and maximum of 7500 words with single line spacing and justified.

2. All of the Shapes, diagrams, tables, and mathematical formulas must be numbered separately and respectively from beginning to the end of the article. All shapes and drawings should be within the text of article and immediately after being mentioned for the first time.

3. The English font of the article should be Times New Roman size 11, as well as in-text sources.

4. The Persian font used in the text of the article should be B Mitra size 13.

5. All of the sources must be translated into English (translate all in-text and end sources from English to Persian) and within the sources list, the phrase (in Persian) must be written in parentheses. Moreover, both Persian and Gregorian dates should all be mentioned in Gregorian and then all sources should be numbered according to the APA standard. Note: [Any problem in referencing, especially the conversion of English references to Persian references, will lead to the return of the article]. An example of in-text source writing is given below.

  • First example: "Competitive Advantage is the value that a company can offer to customers (Porter, 1968), or Porter (1986)1 refers to Competitive Advantage as the value that a company can offer to customers."
  • Second example: "This is not yet accepted (Amirkhani, 2010) or Amirkhani (2010) 2 and needs further investigation."


6. The main body of all articles, without exception, should be prepared and arranged in 6 general titles. These six topics should be clearly identified in the article and should not be numbered. These titles should be typed in B Mitra size 13 Bold and have double line space (B Mitra size 13) from the line before them. These titles include:

  • Title page
  • Introduction
  • Theoretical Foundations
  • Methodology
  • Data analysis and findings: [Note: The graphical output of software such as: Lisrel, AMOS, etc. should be shown within a high resolution and colored image].
  • Conclusion: Presenting the main research findings, confronting and comparing the research results with the findings of related research, practical suggestions, proposing future research, research limitations.


7. Authors must arrange the subheadings of the article (subsections) with B Mitra size 12 bold font. These titles should not be numbered either.

8. Set English footnotes with Times New Roman size 9 font and Persian footnotes with B Mitra size10 font.

9. Latin text of tables should be written with Times New Roman size 9 and Persian text with B Mitra size 10 fonts. [Note: Be sure to design tables inside Microsoft word Office software and do not use photos instead of them].

10. Write the titles of the tables above them with Bold B Mitra size 11 fonts. All tables should be inside the text of the article and immediately after the first time mentioned in the text. The text inside the tables should be centered.

11. Write the titles of the shapes and diagrams at the bottom of them with Bold B Mitra size11 font. In addition, the shapes and diagrams themselves must be perfectly legible, clear and of high resolution.

12. Final sources should all be arranged in English and in Times New Roman size11 font.

13. In order to honor the scientific efforts of researchers and writers, it is necessary to refer to at least two articles published in previous issues of this journal in all submitted articles. This principle is highly emphasized.

14. The method of referencing and writing in-text and final sources in this publication is based on the APA standard. All authors are required to regulate the sources of articles based on this valid international standard. Authors should be fully acquainted with this standard before writing and submitting an article.

15. For all Persian numbers with decimals, be sure to use a semicolon (/) and do not use a comma in any way. Use English punctuation marks (.) For English numbers as well.

16. All numbers in the tables must be in Persian.

17. All mathematical formulas and equations must be aligned left and written from left to right. The number of each relationship should be mentioned sequentially in parentheses at the right bottom of lines. Formulas and equations should not be embedded or scanned in the text of the article, but should be designed and implemented within Microsoft Office word software. Formulas and equations must be typed in English and in Times New Roman size 11 formats.

18. The text of the article will be in one column and the first line of all paragraphs, except the first paragraph after the title of the sections or subsections, will have a coordinated 0.7 cm indentation.

19. Since the existing format does not provide an independent place for listing and defining all variables, it is necessary that all variables be fully defined immediately after the first time mentioned in the article.

20. The SI standard unit system is the only acceptable mathematical problem system. In special cases where it is necessary to state the problem in other systems, it is necessary to mention their standard SI equivalents. Note that the units should not be forgotten for the values mentioned in the tables or the titles of the axes in the figures.

21. The short section of appreciation should be mentioned before the final sources.


General structure of the first page (Persian and English)

The front page of the article (in two separate pages; one is the front Persian page at the beginning of the article and the other is the English front page as the final page of the article and after the sources) should be prepared and arranged in both English and Persian.  Both Structures of the first page for Persian and English are as the following:

1) Persian front page

  • Full title of article with font Bold B Mitra size16
  • Full name of the authors with Bold B Mitra size13 font [Note: These should be mentioned only in the print version and should not be mentioned in the review version]. Type the names and surnames of the authors in a row and separate them with a comma.
  • Identify the correspondent author by placing an asterisk at the end of his / her last name [Note: These should be mentioned only in the print version and should not be mentioned in the review version].
  • Type the organizational affiliation of the authors with the B Mitra size 10 font. The organizational affiliation of the authors should be given under the name and surname of the authors of the article and should not be taken to the footnote. Be sure to write down the organizational affiliation of each author on a separate line so that it is not in a row. [Note: These should be mentioned only in the print version and should not be mentioned in the review version].Organizational affiliation should be set in one of the following ways:
  • Professors and faculty members: (department, faculty, university, city and country) [their academic rank such as assistant professor, associate professor, etc. should not be mentioned].
  • Students (degree, field of study, faculty, university, city and country)
  • Identify the correspondent author by placing a star at the end of his / her last name[Note: It should be mentioned only in the print version and should not be mentioned in the review version
  • Write the academic emails of each of the authors of the article in Times New Roman size 8 in a footnote and according to the order of the names in the article [Note: Only academic emails of all authors are acceptable and not non-academic emails]. [Note: These should be mentioned in the printed version of the article and should not be mentioned in the review version].
  • Abstract text should be written in B Mitra size11 font (details of the abstract will be described below)
  • Keyword text should be written in B Mitra size11 font (details will be described below).
  • If the article is extracted from a doctoral dissertation, refer to it in the footnote of the first page.


2) English front page , last page of the article

  • Full title of article should be written with Bold Times New Roman size 14 font
  • Full name of the authors should be written with Bold Times New Roman size 12 font [Note: These should be mentioned in the printed version of the article and should not be mentioned in the review version].The authors' first and last names should be typed in a row and separated by a comma.
  • Identify the correspondent author by placing an asterisk at the end of his / her last name
  • Type writers' organizational affiliation with Times New Roman 10 font. The organizational affiliation of the authors is given below the names and surnames of the authors of the article and should not be taken to a footnote. Be sure to write down the organizational affiliation of each author on a separate line so that it is not in a row. [Note: These should be mentioned in the printed version of the article and should not be mentioned in the review version].Organizational affiliation should be set in one of the following ways:
  • Professors and faculty members: (department, faculty, university, city and country) [their academic rank should not be mentioned as assistant professor, associate professor, etc.].
  • Students (degree, field of study, faculty, university, city and country)
  • Identify the correspondent author by placing an asterisk at the end of his / her last name [It should be mentioned in the printed version of the article and should not be mentioned in the review version].
  • Write the academic emails of each of the authors of the article in Times New Roman size 8 in a footnote and according to the order of their names in the article [Note: Only academic emails of all authors are acceptable and not non-academic emails].
  • Abstract text should be written in Times New Roman size 11 font (details of the abstract will be explained below)
    • Keyword text should be written in Times New Roman size 11 fonts (details will be described below).
    • If the article is extracted from a doctoral dissertation, refer to it in the footnote of the first page.


Articles abstract Details 

Persian abstract must be (maximum 300 words) and English abstract (maximum 300 words) and keywords (maximum 6 words). The structure of the abstract follows the format below and all articles must be exactly and completely consistent with the following structure:








Research Findings: 


Limitations & Consequences: 


Practical Consequences: 


Innovation or value of the Article: 




Paper Type: