Effect of knowledge sharing, willingness to learn and information technology on Intentional organizational forgetting obscurity in the light of perceived organizational justice

Document Type : Research Article (with quantitative approaches)


Higher Education and Research Management and Planning Research Institute


Today, organizations operate in a highly competitive environment, which has increased the need for knowledge dynamism for them. One of these dynamics is the phenomenon of Intentional organizational forgetting, the correct management of which is an effective step in the competitiveness of the organization. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of knowledge sharing and the willingness to learn and information technology on Intentional organizational obscurity in the light of perceived organizational justice in ICT. To collect data, a sample of 275 employees of the Information Technology Organization was selected . The Measuring tool, was Dixon's knowledge sharing standard questionnaire, Fisher's desire to learn, the willingness to use Cheng technology and organizational justice, Nihouf and Morman. Finally, a researcher-made forgetfulness questionnaire was developed. For analysis of data, statistical methods of single sample t, path analysis using SPSS and PLS software, respectively. The results show that knowledge sharing and the willingness to learn and information technology have a significant effect on Intentional forgetfulness and organizational justice appears to be moderator in this regard.

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