Articles Acceptance Process

  1. Submitted articles must be the result of genuine and direct research of the authors of the article and must not have been published in domestic or foreign journals or conferences or submitted simultaneously. Obviously, the consequences of violating this rule would be concerned by the authors.
  2. After submitting the article, it is not possible to omit, add or change the order of the authors' names.
  3. Among the authors of the submitted articles, there must be an author with an academic rank (assistant professor, associate professor or full professor).
  4. Articles would only be received electronically and via the Journal website.
  5. Articles must be submitted in two copies. The first version must have no name and specifications (judging version) and the second version must have name and specifications (original version)
  6. Before submitting an article, make sure to set it according to the authors guide, paragraph by paragraph and carefully; otherwise, the submitted article will not be processed.
  7. Journal will only communicate with the correspondent author and all of the emails will be sent to him/her. Any decision made about the article will only be sent to the email of the correspondent author.
  8. Publication fee of articles is 3500000 Rials (three million and five hundred thousand Rials). As the responsible author uploads the article in the publication system, the amount of 51 thousand Tomans will be taken for the initial review. This fee is non-refundable under any circumstances. Therefore, it is necessary for the responsible author to pay attention to this issue when submitting the article. The amount of 300 thousand Tomans will be taken before the final acceptance as printing and reviewing costs of the article.
  9. After the initial review, if submitted articles are approved by the editorial board, they will be sent to the reviewers. Submitted articles will be only reviewed electronically and the results will be notified to the correspondent author via email. The number of reviewers for each article will be at least 2.
  10. It is necessary to submit forms of commitment and conflict of interest at the same time with article, by the correspondent author. These forms are available at the authors' guide.
  11. Before submitting their article, authors should know that the Journal does not grant any written or electronic acceptance to them.
  12. Members of editorial board can publish only one article in the journal per year, and other authors can publish maximum of two articles per year. Therefore, dear authors should be aware of this important issue before submitting their articles.
  13. Only articles written in Persian will be reviewed and accepted.
  14. Withdraw of the article is allowed only before sending the article to the reviewres and after starting the review process, it will not be possible to withdraw the article.