To Investigate the Relationship Between Work Place Spirituality and Organizational Commitment Using Work Engagement as a Mediator Variable

Document Type : Research Article (with quantitative approaches)


1 phd

2 student

3 master



Purpose:  The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between Workplace Spirituality and Organizational Commitment using Work Engagement as a mediator variable.
Design/ methodology/ approach:  This research is practical and descriptive-scrolling. The data collection method is using a questionnaire. to design questions, Standard Questionnaire of John Millman's, Wilmer's Standard Adjustment Questionnaire, and Jalal Hanayha's Organizational Commitment Standard Questionnaire were used. Data analyse was done by using SPSS and PLS softwares.
Research Findings:  The results shows that Workplace Spirituality has a direct effect on Organizational Commitment and an indirect effect on Organizational Commitment using modiator variable, Work Engagement.
Limitations & Consequences:  One of the limitations of this research was long distance between branches of the bank, which ultimately leading us to consider only the privileged and first-class branches as our statistical population. This caused a decrease in our statistical population that could change the results of the research.
Practical Consequences:  People who come to the organization with higher spirit, good morals and more spirituality should be encouraged and this behavior should be emphasized in the organization and people should be encouraged to do this to institutionalize the role of honesty in organizational commitment.
Innovation or value of the Article:  Since in previous researches, the separate impact of each of the mentioned variables on each other has been investigated, and so far no research has investigated the simultaneous impact of the workplace spirituality effect on the organizational commitment by considering moderating role of Work Engagement, the present research has tried to investigate this effect in the form of a single model. on the other hand, the statistical population of the present study has widely covered the privileged and first-class branches of all the provinces of the country, which has distinguished this study from previous studies.
Paper Type: Research Paper



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