Identifying and explaining the antecedents and consequences of sectarian organizational behavior based on the Delphi approach

Document Type : Research Article (with mixed approaches)


1 Department of Business Management, Faculty of Economics and Management, Lorestan University, Lorestan, Iran.

2 M.Sc. Business Management, E-Commerce Orientation, Faculty of Innovation, Malayer Azad University ,Iran.

3 M.Sc., Business Management, Marketing Management Trend, Faculty of Economics and Management, Lorestan University Lorestan, Iran.

4 Department of Business Management, Faculty of Humanities, Malayer University, Malayer, Iran.


purpose: Organizational sectarianism can lead to increased organizational conflict and decreased social participation. However, they can lead to misunderstandings and conflict in the workplace if cultural differences between employees are not well managed. The main purpose of this study is to identify and explain the antecedents and consequences of organizational sectarian behavior using fuzzy Delphi technique.
Methodology: In terms of applied purpose and in terms of how to collect descriptive survey information and in terms of research typology, this research is among the studies mixed with quantitative and qualitative approach in the inductive deductive paradigm. The statistical population of the study consists of experts, which consists of managers of organizations and university professors in Lorestan province, 30 of whose experts have been selected based on the principle of theoretical adequacy and using purposive sampling. In the qualitative part of the research, the data collection tool was a semi-structured interview, the validity and reliability of which were confirmed using the content validity coefficient and Cohen's Kappa test. The data collection tool in the quantitative part is a pairwise comparison questionnaire whose validity and reliability were confirmed using content validity and retest
Findings: In addition, in the quantitative part of the research, using fuzzy Delphi method, prioritization of antecedents and consequences of sectarian behavior was performed and the most important factors and consequences of organizational sectarian behavior were identified.
 Limitation &Cosequences:The results show that among the antecedents of organizational sectarian behavior, separation from the general community and having different values and attitudes, prejudice, love and leadership, indifference and convenience, respect for each other as the most important antecedents and factors that cause sectarian behavior in the organization. The results also show that ignoring the law, partisanship, and reducing social participation are among the most important consequences of sectarian organizational behavior.
 Practiacl Consequences: Sectarianism in the organization can lead to increased organizational conflict and decreased social participation.
Innovation or value of the Article: The present study aims to identify and prioritize the factors affecting the identification of antecedents and consequences. Organizational sectarian behavior adds to managerial research.


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