Developing a model for the Internal Brand Activation in service organizations from the perspective of Brand-based Human Resource Management (Case study of Bank Mellat)

Document Type : Research Article (with qualitative approaches)


1 Banking Industry Research Consultant / PhD Student, University of Tehran - Organizational Behavior and Human Resources

2 Assistant Professor in Farabi campus

3 Assistant Professor in Management Department, University of Tehran

4 university of tehran


Purpose: Nowadays for making strong brands, service organizations need to activate and institutionalize their brand values ​​within the organization. With this premise, the leading research has been defined and implemented with the aim of developing an internal brand activation model from the perspective of human resource management activities in service organizations.
Research Findings: Data analysis obtained from 151 people in qualitative session, using theme analysis method, and 751 code sources were obtained. After analyzing the results, 112 sub-codes related to internal brand activation were identified and classified into 37 concepts and 15 categories. Also, to evaluate the reliability of coding, the agreement coefficient of kappa (0.65 at a significance level of 0.016) was used, which is in an acceptable level.
Limitations & Consequences: The limitation of this research has been doing it in one bank, which makes it difficult to generalize it to the whole ecosystem.
Practical Consequences: This study provides an executive framework for brand activation in service organizations.
Innovation or value of the Article Addressing a new concept that has an important place in the branding process and a model that with a systematic structure, will streamline the brand in the spirit of the organization.
Paper Type: Case Study


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