Structural-Interpretive Analysis of the Factors Affecting Innovative Electronic Public Services in Iran

Document Type : Research Article (with quantitative approaches)


1 Assistance Professor of Allameh Tabataba'i University

2 Ph.D graduate of Allameh Tabataba'i University


Despite the many benefits of e-government implementation, especially in developing countries, electronic services have low levels of acceptance among citizens, which is exacerbated by increasing distance from the capital of government. The importance of paying attention to this issue is that according to experts, the success of the e-government is not just about government support and infrastructure, it also includes the willingness of users to accept e-government services. Therefore, the present research seeks to answer the question of what causes the innovative public electronic services to be widely used by citizens? In this regard, the main strategy of research is methodological pluralism, using simultaneously two methods of qualitative strategy of thematic analysis and a quantitative strategy of structural-interpretative modelling in a sequential manner. Research findings suggest that the factors affecting are categorized in five general levels include the levels of "value creation of the need-oriented services based on public trust", "immediate outputs", "key role of the bureaucrats of the organization", "the facilitators of service delivery" and "independent variables".


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