Designing a Model for Explaining Creative Deviance in the Oil Company

Document Type : Research Article (with quantitative approaches)


1 lorestan University

2 Lorestan University


In the oil company, for many reasons the creative ideas path to innovation from individuals, is not fully implemented. Such companies with the issues they are facing, actively convinced that should be used of employees' new ideas effectively and this will not be possible except with a creative deviance. So, the ultimate goal of this research is to provide a comprehensive model in the oil company on the base of grounded theory that is considered as a qualitative method. In this study, deep interviews were conducted using theoretical sampling method then in the three stages of coding, the components of creative deviance were identified. According to the results, management and organizational component (causal conditions), creative deviance (action/reaction strategy) characteristics of actors and features of the idea (context), managerial, organizational and biographical conditions (intervening conditions) and positive and negative consequences on the individual and organizational levels (consequences) were extracted and creative deviance model was designed.


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