Exploring and Analyzing the Consequences of National Silence in Political Systems

Document Type : Research Article (with quantitative approaches)


Every political system with every political ideology has a kind of national governance mechanism. The key principle of this mechanism in every country is its public policy. Related to the approach to public policy (rational, political, discourse, institutional, and chaos), attendance or less attendance of people in national decision-making occurs. Therefore, participation or less participation of people is the result of this kind of public policy. Invitation of people to silence against some national subjects besides the messages that public policy imparts, takes a practical aspect. So, in all countries, there is a degree of silence, related to the nature of their political system and public policy. Doubtless decreasing people’s attendance (increasing national silence) has negative consequences for political systems. For the first time, this paper using a kind of qualitative research tries to explore the consequences of national silence for political systems and give some advice for the Islamic Republic of Iran.


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