Document Type : Research Article (with quantitative approaches)
1 Tarbiat Modares University
2 Imam Sadiq University
In recent decades, although public administration has concentrated on complex concept of performance and performance evaluation but simultaneously has neglected ministers and their departments; as far as it is claimed that the study of ministers is in the early years of his life. The importance of performance evaluation is not concealed to anyone and theoretically, when we go upstairs in organizational hierarchy it's importance grows; but it does’nt happen practically so; Therefore, considering the void of a performance evolution model for top managers, this study addressed ministers and since there are environmental conditions in performance elevation models which strengthen or weaken performance, the study, concentrated on understanding effective environmental conditions on ministerial performance evaluation. Furthermore, since literature findings analysis of these conditions is an important step to draw up a comprehensive picture of it, the researcher decided to analyze them through meta-synthesis. In this study, at the first step, through a deep search in literature, gained 80 references about the subject; which in a refinement reduced to 48. Then, 76 codes were extracted which through analysis and conclusion deducted to 22 concepts and 7 categories as follows: political conditions, economic conditions, international conditions, policy conditions, legal/administrative conditions, management team and public image.