Designing a Comprehensive Model of Human Resource Development Based on Organizational Excellence and Maturity (Case Study: Meteorological Organization of Iran)

Document Type : Research Article (with mixed approaches)


Department of Educational Management, West Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


Purpose: In this study, the aim was to design a comprehensive model of human resource development based on organizational excellence and maturity in the Meteorological Organization.
Design/ Methodology/ Approach: For this purpose, 196 employees of the Meteorological Organization were selected as a sample. The research method was mixed (quantitative-qualitative) that semi-structured interviews were used to identify the components of human resource development. For this section, 9 experts were assisted for this purpose. Section 50 descriptive codes and 14 axial codes were identified. Standard questionnaires were used to measure the two variables of maturity and excellence. In the quantitative part, the information obtained from 3 questionnaires were analyzed using pls software.
Research Findings: The results showed that the variable of excellence with a coefficient of 0.729 compared to maturity with a coefficient of 0.691 is in the first place in its importance in human resource development. Finally, according to the coefficients obtained from the research, the final model was designed and a questionnaire was designed for validation and presented to 20 faculty members and the final model was approved. In this part, with the opinion of experts, the model is designed in two ways. The first model is the type of organization in the interaction of maturity and excellence, in which four types of organizations were identified: Is. Finally, the final model with four aspects: 1- Philosophy and goals with an average of (3.78) 2- Theoretical foundations (3.52) 3- Executive mechanism (3.89) 4- Evaluation and re-engineering (3.74) evaluated And given an average above 3 indicates that the model is approved.
Limitations & Consequences: Due to the wide range of behavioral factors, it was not possible to fully study them in this study. Therefore, a certain period of time of articles was studied. It is also suggested that other aspects of human resource development be considered.
Practical Consequences: Organizational resource development in the organization can help improve organizational excellence and maturity.
Innovation or value of the Article: Designing and implementing optimal structures, processes and systems to create organizational excellence and organizational growth is one of the most important challenges in human resource development. Since these organizations have a great impact on the lives of individuals in society, paying attention to their health is doubly important.
Paper Type: Research Paper


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