Investigating the Factors Affecting Knowledge Hiding With Emphasis on Exclusion

Document Type : Research Article (with quantitative approaches)


1 PhD Student in Public Administration (Organizational Behavior Tendency), Management Department, Aliabad Katoul Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ali Abadaktol, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Ali Abadaktol Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ali Abadaktol, Iran


Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the factors affecting the concealment of knowledge with emphasis on rejection in the workplace in the Social Security Organization of the northern provinces of the country.Design / Methodology / Approach: In this study, in the first round, the opinions of six experts were collected and in the second round, the opinions of 17 experts were collected. According to the mixed exploratory method of the present study, the statistical population consisted of two parts. In the qualitative section, according to the professors and experts of the Social Security Organization of the northern provinces of the country, it has been used to identify the factors affecting the concealment of knowledge and the rejection of the workplace. And in a small part, the validity of the model has been used by all managers, deputies and experts of the Social Security Organization in the north of the country. The total statistical population was about 1290 people, which according to Cochran's formula was 2,966 and was randomly assigned. The fuzzy delphi method has been used to identify the variables and the soft dutel technique has been used to investigate the relationships between the variables.Findings: The results showed that the components of knowledge concealment include lack of interpersonal trust, uniqueness of knowledge, lack of organizational participation, lack of clarity of duties, lack of organizational incentives, complexity of knowledge, lack of knowledge of the applicant, level of organizational knowledge culture, level of information exchange. Among employees, the level of competitive work environment for acquiring new knowledge, the level of perceived job insecurity, and the impact of personal values.Limitations and Consequences: One of the limitations of this research is that some people hide the reality of the phenomenon of concealment of knowledge in their organization, which is largely eliminated by repeated and in-depth interviews.Practical implications: Focusing on the causes of knowledge-related categories in organizations is a practical consequence of this research.Practical implications: Rejection variables include differences due to social comparisons, the level of injustice in the organization, negative feelings about the work environment, the level of job motivation of employees, the level of job satisfaction of employees, poor teamwork in the organization, increasing organizational silence, the level of job performance of employees. Negative mutual beliefs, high levels of job stress have been the level of employee empowerment.


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