Typology of showcase performance types of governmental organization managers and its consequences by means of FCM method

Document Type : Research Article


1 Lorestan university assistant professor, Management faculty, Korramabad, Iran

2 M.Sc. Student, Faculty of Management , Lorestan university, Khorramabad, Iran.

3 Ph.D. Student, Faculty of Management, Lorestan University, Khorram Abad, Iran.


Purpose: As much as it can help organizations in achieving their goals, the performance style of managers may be a serious obstacle on the way of the organization. Showcase managers are the managers who cause long-term and irreparable damage to the organization with their performance and dysfunctional behaviors. Therefore, the present research was carried out with the aim of typology of managers' showcase performance and its consequences in governmental organizations.

Design/ methodology/ approach: The present study is an applied research in terms of its purpose, and it is an exploratory research in terms of gathering information. Also, this research is a type of mixed qualitative and quantitative research based on comparative and inductive philosophy. The statistical population of the present research include the experts who were selected by the purposeful sampling method and based on the principle of theoretical adequacy. The data collection tool is in the qualitative part of the interview, whose validity and reliability were confirmed using content validity and theoretical validity and intra-coder and inter-coder reliability methods. Also, the data collection tool in the quantitative section is a questionnaire whose validity and reliability were confirmed using content validity and retest reliability. Qualitative data was analyzed by content analysis method and quantitative data was analyzed by fuzzy cognitive mapping method.

Research Findings: The research findings indicate that the use of harvest management tactics, Conducting directed and demonstrative organizational citizenship behavior, and Rhetorical managers are among the most important showcase functions in government organizations. Also, being on the sidelines of the organizational mission, reducing individual and organizational performance and productivity, and spreading cheating and lying in the organization are among the most important consequences of managers' showcase performance in government organizations.

Limitations & Consequences: Considering the purpose and type of research that should be used from the interview process and experts' opinions, this included the limitation in the number of samples and the difficulty of accessing experts, and there was also the possibility of bias in answering the questions and presenting and recording the findings. Another limitation is that because the statistical population of the present study is the managers of government organizations in Lorestan province, the generalizability of the research results to other societies is limited.

Practical Consequences: The results of the present research can be a good guide to identify Deviant and ineffective behavior patterns of managers. It also helps organizations to take an important step towards spreading meritocracy and solving organizational challenges by choosing competent managers.

Innovation or value of the Article: The present study helps organizations by identifying the types of showcase performance of managers to be aware of such people and to prevent the employment People who have a destructive performance in the organization show that they only take steps to advance their interests and the harmful consequences mentioned in this research. They were safe.

Paper Type: Research Article.

Purpose: As much as it can help organizations in achieving their goals, the performance style of managers may be a serious obstacle on the way of the organization. Showcase managers are the managers who cause long-term and irreparable damage to the organization with their performance and dysfunctional behaviors. Therefore, the present research was carried out with the aim of typology of managers' showcase performance and its consequences in governmental organizations.

Design/ methodology/ approach: The present study is an applied research in terms of its purpose, and it is an exploratory research in terms of gathering information. Also, this research is a type of mixed qualitative and quantitative research based on comparative and inductive philosophy. The statistical population of the present research include the experts who were selected by the purposeful sampling method and based on the principle of theoretical adequacy. The data collection tool is in the qualitative part of the interview, whose validity and reliability were confirmed using content validity and theoretical validity and intra-coder and inter-coder reliability methods. Also, the data collection tool in the quantitative section is a questionnaire whose validity and reliability were confirmed using content validity and retest reliability. Qualitative data was analyzed by content analysis method and quantitative data was analyzed by fuzzy cognitive mapping method.


Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 04 June 2024