Politics and bureaucracy in Iran's public affairs administration

Document Type : Research Article (with qualitative approaches)


1 Ph.D. in public administration, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran.

2 PhD. candidate in Business Administration, Kish international campus, Tehran University, Kish, Iran.


Purpose: The concept of government today includes bureaucracy and politics; At the same time, it is difficult to understand the nature of politics and bureaucracy and their relationship with each other, and each can influence the other. In this article, an attempt is made to separate the concept of politics from bureaucracy in order to better understand their effectiveness. to be the purpose of this article is to investigate and study the relationship between politics and bureaucracy in Iran's public affairs administration.

Methodology: The data required in this research is qualitative and based on inductive content analysis and was collected through purposeful sampling and semi-structured interviews with 11 executive experts of the Ministry of Energy.

Research findings: The organizing topics include the dependence of decisions on personal opinions, considering political power in decisions, nepotism in the selection of bureaucrats, the short term of service of bureaucrats, the existence of formalism in the selection of bureaucrats, the weakness of using scientific findings and Experts and the weak communication between experts and decision makers.

Limitations of the research: The results obtained in the current research were only based on one ministry due to the scope of the subject. Therefore, it may have limitations in terms of generalizability.

The originality or value of the article: The current research examines the relationship between politics and administration in Iran's public affairs department, which until today most of the research related to this field has been in the field of developed countries and modern governments, and this research from the point of view of comparative studies, while understanding more of this relationship, it can be the solution to the problems in the country's public affairs administration.


Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 04 June 2024