typology of organizational behavior of pleasure employees in cultural institutions based on the dimensions of believable and types of individual behavior

Document Type : Research Article (with mixed approaches)


1 Ph.D, Cultural Management and Planning, Organizational Culture, Faculty of Management, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan Branch, Isfahan, Iran.

2 Department of Public Management, Faculty of Management, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan Branch, Isfahan, Iran.

3 Department of Cultural Management, Faculty of Management, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan Branch, Isfahan, Iran.


Purpose:The purpose of this article was the typology of organizational behavior of pleasure employees in cultural institutions based on the dimensions of believable and types of individual behavior.
Design/ Methodology/ Approach: The target population of this study was the employees of cultural organizations in the country. For the study, 2750 people, were selected as the statistical population and the sample size was 243 people. The research method was mixed and random quantitative sampling with researcher-made believer questionnaires, minnesota satisfaction questionnaire (2000) and ashford and black dynamic behavior (1996) tools. Accordingly, first, the samples were divided into 4 groups and then 34 of them were interviewed in the qualitative phase. Qualitative sampling was targeted and data collection were semi-open interview based on neo-positivist approach and data analysis was performed by open coding method. In addition, the validity and reliability of the quantitative and qualitative phase tools were favorable, assurance and reliability.
Research Findings: The results showed that among pleasure employees, believable samples have self-esteem and extra-role behaviors, however, a group has a strong tendency to isolation and loneliness. Meanwhile, unbelievable employees, during fear and surrender and hypocrite affiliation, they resort to defense mechanisms such as separation, reverse, schizoid imagination, and suppression.
Limitations & Consequences: One of the limitations of this research is its cross-sectional nature. Certainly longitudinal research will enriched the results.
Practical Consequences: The proposed framework helps managers and planners of cultural organizations, while identifying the pleasure employees of the organization and predicting their behavior, understand its positive reasons and include them in human resource planning.
Innovation or value of the Article: This research provides a framework for researchers to examine the level of believable and the type of individual behavior of pleasure employees of organizations by presenting a model for measuring organizational credibility and a new way of combining quantitative and qualitative data.


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