Keywords = grounded theory
Presentation of productivity-oriented compensation model (case study: Bank Melli Iran)

Volume 12, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 77-104


Mohsen Mohammadbagheri; Akbar Etebarian; Faezeh Taghipour

A model for branding human resource system with Grounded Theory

Volume 10, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 69-101


mina Beig; Hossein Rahmanseresht; Fattah Sharif Zadeh; Seyyed Ahmad Hosseini Golafshani

Designing a Model for Explaining Creative Deviance in the Oil Company

Volume 10, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 15-38


Seyed Hadi Mousavi Nejad; Hojjat Vahdati; Mohammad Hakkak; Amir Hooshang Nazarpoori

A Process Model of Urban Branding for Metropolises of Iran

Volume 4, Issue 1, April 2013, Pages 41-63