Modeling the performance evaluation of the governors of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Research Article (with mixed approaches)


1 Lorestan university

2 lorestan university

3 management and economic department, lorestan university


Purpose: the purpose of this study was to model the evaluation of the performance of governors of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Design/ methodology/ approach: The method of the current research is based on a mixed approach and qualitatively and quantitatively. The qualitative community studied in the current research was formed by all university professors in the field of public administration and strategic management and the governors of the Islamic Republic of Iran along with the senior managers of the Ministry of Interior, who were selected by the snowball sampling method and based on the theoretical saturation principle of 18 people as The participants in this study were determined. The statistical population of this study in the quantitative part was made up of all the senior managers of the Ministry of Interior and the governorates of the country in Iran, and 45 people from this population were determined as the sample of the study using the purposeful sampling method.

Research Findings: The results of interview analysis using the qualitative content analysis method led to the identification of 12 dimensions of governors' performance evaluation, including geographical knowledge, cultural awareness, social maturity, political perception, economic growth, welfare development, stakeholder satisfaction, security level, social capital, political participation. , interactions and productivity were modeled using interpretive structural method. Validation of the extracted model was done using structural equation modeling method with partial least squares approach. The findings of this study showed that the level of security and interactions have the greatest impact on the development of stakeholder satisfaction and productivity, respectively.

Limitations & Consequences: According to the purpose of this study, access to experts who can help in the process of conducting this study has been difficult.
